足利消防署の方々の協力の元、総勢63名の社員、来訪者たちが参加いたしました。 避難完了所要時間8分! 次回は1分以上の短縮を目指したいです。 この訓練に於いて、空の安全を守る私たちの仕事を改めて思い、 気持ちを新たに、気を引き締めて自分たちの仕事を全うしていきましょう。
We,63 employees including visitors, had a Fire Drill in the very first time here in AeroEdge on May 17th
Ashikaga fire department came in to supervise/support our drill. Total evacuation time was 8 minutes! We will do shorten the time more than 1 minute in the next drill. This drill reminds us of how important SAFETY management is as a manufacturer of aircraft engine parts. Our business is directly linked to human life, so that we need to make preparations and take preventive actions in the course of daily operations to secure that we are doing best today and will be doing best tomorrow.