AeroEdge(エアロエッジ)株式会社、国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)と共同研究契約を締結―先端チタンアルミ合金に関する研究開発を推進― AeroEdge to Conduct Collaborative Research Project with National Institute for Materials Science ―Developing sophisticated TiAl alloys―



AeroEdge Co., Ltd. (Ashikaga City, Tochigi, President and CEO: Jun Morinishi) announced today it has concluded in September 2019, a contract with National Institute for Materials Science (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, President: Kazuhito Hashimoto, referred as NIMS) to research and develop sophisticated titanium aluminum (TiAl) alloys for jet engines.

TiAl alloy is an expected lightweight material for the industries including aerospace, automotive and energy. It has already been applied to turbine blades in civil jet engines and this trend is expected to continue. AeroEdge invests its resources in the project to develop the low cost and high performance TiAl alloy with NIMS to respond to the market demand.



AeroEdge was founded in 2016 in in Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture, to focus on mass production of aircraft engine parts in accordance with the long-term agreement with a French aerospace giant, Safran Aircraft Engines, which manufactures the next generation aircraft engine, ”LEAP.”
We’re striving to respond to any need of manufacturing solution and any change of business environment in order to keep our technical and competitive edges.
AeroEdge is trying to maximize autonomy and creativity working with enthusiasm toward innovative achievements that have never been done before. Our mission statement “Create one from zero” is the basics to create new value in the world and contribute to happiness of the people.


 国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)は、2001年4月に文部科学省所管の金属材料技術研究所と無機材質研究所が統合され発足し、2016 年には、世界最高水準の研究開発の成果を創出する機関として特定国立研究開発法人に指定されました。環境・エネルギー負荷の低減と安心・安全な社会基盤の構築といった社会的ニーズに応える材料の研究開発を行うとともに、日本の物質・材料科学技術水準の向上を目指しています。

